Friday 30 December 2016


Woohoo, We've survived another year !

Like most of you, looking back on 2016 and all of the things I accomplished got me thinking about setting new goals .But instead of coming up with resolutions that I'll surely drop before January is over (which I often do) , I decided to identify realistic goals for 2017 that I know I can achieve .

My 2017 goals are :
1. Go to the gym at least three times a week .
2. Stop drinking pop
3. Blog more often

I've never really liked working out ,it's a pain in the butt !!
To me , there is nothing worse than leaving your nice ,comfy house to fight the cold weather and workout with strangers .But this year it's going to be different , I got to make a jump start on my gym goal!

To stop drinking pop will be the most difficult of my resolutions. My coke habit dates back to high school. After 7 years it's time to kick it for good. Keep in mind, I've tried to quit before, but the longest streak I've gone without pop is a month. I've got to exercise some major will power with this one . Seriously , wish me luck !

Blogging more often is my last goal and I feel like it's well within reach .Though I'm prone to blogging from time to time, I have been making strides toward blogging more often like for at leastleast twice a week .
Also my resolution one and two will certainly help me lose some extra weight since I've put a lot of weight in the last two months.

Here's to achieving new goals in the new year. I'll be sure to keep you posted on my progress throughout 2017.  Stay tuned and happy new year!

Thursday 22 December 2016


Hello lovelies ,
So, you've got all of your Christmas presents taken care of , but what about the stockings hanging above the fireplace ?If you're like me ,you probably forgot .. well don't worry ,I have last minute stocking suffer ideas that are sure to please .

Some of my favorite things are perfumes , sunglasses , scarfs , candles, watches , chocolates and the list goes on. But all these things that I have mentioned can usually fit into a stocking and you can never have too many. I found some really nice body mists at Victoria's Secret store for an incredibly deal . If you don't have an access to a store you can probably find them online .

My ideal stocking would be stuffed with a good book, a scarf and candles . What better way to cozy up on a cold winter night ?

What is your favorite stocking stuffer to give or receive ??Share with me in the comment section below .And if my ideas were helpful. Thanks for sticking with me and "Happy Holidays".

PS : All pictures are mine :)