Saturday 2 July 2016


Hello dear Sassiens!!

How was your week? GOOD? GREAT? That's awesome!
 Todays post is going to be a little different from what i usually do , so lets begin!

Stylish outfit? Check! Killer shoes ? Double check! If you care about the outfits that you wear, it is just as important to take the time and invest time in doing your makeup to put your best face forward.
Why do we wear makeup? Its simple makeup makes us look beautiful, Beauty Builds Confidence, and Confidence Amplifies Beauty..that's the only reason I wear makeup :)

Thanks to the billions of ace makeup artists on YouTube, everyone's becoming a bit more of a beauty expert these days. This is great news - pro techniques are now available to everyone ,which means we all can look Instagram- ready at every opportunity. But on the other hand, if you're not paying careful attention things can go from pretty to pretty scary in a flash !!

So here I present to you your saviour from all makeup disasters :)

So its been a couple of months that I have been following her on Instagram and i think she's been doing an amazing job with what she has been gifted with. Also I got this opportunity to talk to her and ask her some questions about beauty , makeup and everything that follows .

No1. What is beauty for you ?
Lemi - Beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder !

No2. What inspired you to become a beauty professional ?
Lemi - I was and I am still inspired by the colours and everything around me specially when i look at the magazines , the first thing that i notice is the makeup and hair of the model. I draw inspiration from all these small things and since i am highly passionate about art , i consider makeup as an art and give my best :)

No3. What message do you have for our aspiring makeup artists?
Lemi - Give your 100% to achieve your dreams. Trust me nothing is impossible if you give your best and if you keep trying till you succeed .GOOD LUCK <3

No4. Your motto in life ?
Lemi - I have promised myself that whatever I do in life i will give the best I can .

I have tried to keep this short keeping in mind her tight schedule and also i would like to thank her for making some time to write back .Thank you!

Here are some of her brilliant looks -

Follow Lemi for more of her brilliant and flawless makeup tutorials and beauty hacks.
Thank you once again Lemi for making this post possible and thank you dear sassiens for stopping by to read this post .
 love you all xoxo

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