Saturday 11 February 2017


Hello lovelies!
As you must have already seen on my Instagram that I am home and there is no better feeling in this world than being around people you love . Kalimpong has definitely changed a lot since I last visited.

Today's post is just about one of  my casual day out with brother Gyaltshenla  (aka spotthetrend) .
 I always have my camera with me when I am out so if I see anything interesting, i don't even hesitate to pose even if there are hundreds of people around me :p We took a stroll around the busy streets of kalimpong and then  decided to do a quick photoshoot at the newly renovated MacFarlane church that is few blocks away from the main road . When we reached the location , we saw a big lock at the entrance gate, however we tried to sneek in from the back gate but we failed . Since we were already excited to take pictures we decided to move to some other  location. We had so many places in mind but so little time . The sun was almost down so we gave up.

After so much effort and hardwork (wearing heels) we deserved some nice hot drink so we went to our favorite Restaurant for a cup of coffee, I don't  drink tea/coffee so I grabbed myself some  piping hot clear soup .
The hotel has an amazing view and a pretty garden which ultimately became our shoot  location:)
 We also got to grab some drink and take some amazing pictures . Here are some of the pictures from that day :)
Thank you for sticking with me . I will ba back soon . Much love ❤️