Tuesday 5 April 2016



hello everyone!!
As you might have already seen my Instagram posts, I am sure by now you all know what this post is going to be about.

Almost everyone I know wants to visit the city of Venice in Italy for a number of good reasons.
Some want to experience Italy's well preserved culture, others to tie the knot (yes,couples do go to the so-called "CITY OF ROMANCE"to get married), and some simply because its Venice.
Apart from all these wonderful things ,what makes Venice so interesting is the fact that the city is surrounded by water on water on all sides.

Venice for me was one big adventure .Once you are caught in the winding and seemingly endless streets and bridges of confusion, you would have no other choice but to keep walking- which is actually a good thing. There's no other way to explore Venice than getting lost and be surprised in what it has to offer at your every turn.

Here are some pictures from Venice <3


Thanks for sticking with me . 
Love Yuden <3